PAKCOOL® Plaster Like Thermally Conductive Putty Specification
Product Name
Thermal conductivity(W/m·K)
plaster like
plaster like
plaster like
plaster like
plaster like
plaster like
plaster like
PAKCOOL® Extrudable Thermally Conductive Putty Specification
Product Name
Thermal conductivity(W/m·K)
Packaging Specifications for PAKCOOL® Plaster like Thermally Conductive Putty
PAKCOOL®TG-5xx series Plaster like Thermally Conductive Putty is offered in various packaging options: 1Kg cans, 5Kg and 20Kg barrel or customizable according to customer requirements.
Operating Guide for PAKCOOL® Plaster like Thermally Conductive Putty
1. Preparation and Storage Before Use:
Plaster like Thermally Conductive Putty can be stored at room temperature for about 12 months. If a small amount of oil separation appears on the surface of the putty, such as it becoming shiny, knead it several times until it becomes uniform before use. This does not affect the product's performance.
2. Application Method and Process:
Plaster like Thermally Conductive Putty is used for filling large and irregular gaps between heating and cooling surfaces. Before applying, check both interfaces for impurities such as dust, as these can affect thermal conductivity and adhesive effectiveness. Dust can be removed with alcohol.
Take a sufficient amount of the product, knead it into the required shape according to the needs, and fill it between the electronic components needing cooling and the heat sink casing. Then, press and adhere the cooling and heating surfaces together, ensuring the putty makes firm contact with both interfaces, and securely fasten the device.
3. Unused Products:
For any unused canned product, simply replace the lid and store at room temperature.
If the interface has a high oil absorption, it can cause the adhesive material to thicken and dry out noticeably. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the surface to make it non-absorbent or apply a coating of our one-part adhesive for oil-resistance. The determination of whether the device material is non-absorbent can generally be made if there is no significant change in the state of the adhesive 24 hours after application at room temperature.
Packaging Specifications for PAKCOOL® Thermally Conductive Putty
PAKCOOL®TG-5xx-KJ series Extrudable Thermally Conductive Putty is offered in various packaging options: 55mL, 330mL cans, 1Kg cans,5Kg and 20Kg barrel or customizable according to customer requirements.
Operating Guide for PAKCOOL® Extrudable Thermally Conductive Putty
1. Preparation and Storage Before Use:
This product series can be stored at room temperature for up to 12 months, although storage methods may vary depending on the packaging.
For pail-packaged products, upon opening, if a clear oily substance is observed, use a stirring rod to thoroughly mix the contents. Ensure the end of the stirring rod touches the bottom of the container to achieve a uniform consistency throughout the material. The product can be used directly if no abnormalities are observed on the surface.
For cartridge products, such as the 55mL and 330mL variants, which come in sealed packaging, stirring as done with bulk products is not feasible. Therefore, it is recommended to utilize these products promptly, ideally within three months, and not to exceed six months. Following removal, the cartridges should be installed into a dispensing machine or caulking gun for application. If the cartridges are not to be used immediately, it is advisable to store them flat at temperatures below 0°C to minimize oil separation. Prior to use, the product should be brought to room temperature (25°C) for at least two hours, adjusting the duration based on the volume and quantity of the product. An oven with forced air circulation is preferable to achieve uniform and rapid warming. Once tempered, the product should be installed in the dispensing equipment and used as normal.
2. Application Method and Technique:
The Extrudable Thermally Conductive Putty should be applied between the heating and cooling components, with the thickness adjusted based on the size of the gap. Although this product maintains good vibration resistance with a gap thickness of 1.5mm, it is advisable to apply the thinnest layer possible while ensuring the gap is completely filled. The thinner the layer, the lower the thermal resistance for a given thermal conductivity, resulting in better heat transfer. During the application, ensure only the necessary amount of putty is used; minimize any excess extrusion and scrape off any surplus material to avoid waste and potential issues with oil migration.
Automated Dispensing Process: Ensure that the air pressure or piston pressure is maintained at ≤0.6 MPa. Prior to dispensing, inspect both interfaces for impurities such as dust, which can compromise the thermal conductivity, and clean the surfaces with alcohol if necessary. Set the dispensing parameters, such as pressure and time, to control the amount of adhesive extruded onto the heating surface (or cooling surface). The volume of adhesive dispensed should be about 1 to 1.5 times the theoretical value calculated based on the contact surface size, gap thickness, and adhesive density. After dispensing, press together the cooling surface (or heating surface). Since this series of products does not inherently possess adhesive strength and is reworkable, a mechanical fixation, such as screws or another adhesive, is required to secure the heating and cooling components together after application.
Manual Application Method:For pail-packaged products, use a plastic spatula or wear a finger cot to take an appropriate amount of the product. Apply it to the heating surface (or cooling surface) and press it into place to ensure it adheres properly.
3. Storage of Unused Cartridge Products:
For cartridge products that have not been fully used, it is recommended to remove them from the dispensing machine and tightly secure the outlet cap for storage. If it is necessary to leave the cartridge in the dispensing machine, ensure to release any air pressure or piston pressure before doing so. For pail-packaged products, make sure to close the lid promptly after use to ensure proper storage.
1. If the material of the device being coated is highly oil-absorbing, it can cause the adhesive to thicken and dry out noticeably. Therefore, the surface should be treated to become non-oil-absorbing or coated with our company’s single-component adhesive for oil-blocking treatment. The material can generally be considered non-oil-absorbing if there is no significant change in the state of the adhesive 24 hours after application at room temperature.
2. If oil separation is observed on the surface of the product before use, it should be stirred well before application to ensure uniform consistency.
3. Since cartridge products cannot be stirred, they should be used as soon as possible. Storing these products at low temperatures can enhance their storage stability. Before use, simply warm the product to room temperature.
PAKCOOL® Thermally Conductive Putty is used in electronic devices.
PAKCOOL®TG-5xx seriesThermally conductive putty is used as a thermal conductivity material in electronic devices, offering excellent thermal performance. The putty-like thermal putty has a higher viscosity than silicone grease and is slightly harder. Users can shape it as needed to fill gaps between the cooling electronic components and the heat sink/casing to ensure close contact and reduce thermal resistance. The squeezable thermal putty is paste-like with strong thixotropic properties and can be applied using manual or automatic dispensing equipment. It does not deform under pressure or touch, effectively filling the fine gaps between the heat-generating device and the heat sink surface, quickly and efficiently conducting heat. This reduces the temperature of electronic components, extends their life, and enhances reliability. The TG-500 series thermal putty does not cross-link, making it suitable for use in electronic assemblies where modifications or replacements of heat sinks may be necessary. This product is easy to handle.
